MCT Oil versus Hemp Seed Oil

If you have been curious about the ingredients in your CBD products, the best thing that you can do is to research as much as you can about them. From hemp seed oil to MCT oil, there are different types of oils that you could be using. The ingredients in your CBD products all have a kind of carrier liquid, and this is what the CBD is dissolved into when you use an isolate.

When it comes to the differences between MCT oil vs. hemp seed oil, we’ve got a breakdown of both as well as the benefits for each below.


MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. These are partially man-made fats, and a common source for MCTs are in palm kernel oil or coconut oil. It’s a food-grade oil, making it safe to consume, and it’s an excellent carrier for cannabinoids and CBD. It works synergistically for both the brain and energy. As it is tasteless, you are left with a clear tincture that can be taken both on its own or mixed with a drink.

What Are The Benefits?

There are plenty of benefits to using MCT oil, especially for those who struggle with their energy levels and those who are at high risk for heart disease. Some of the benefits of using MCT oil include:

  • Obesity Control. The fatty acid in MCT oil can be converted into energy, and this speeds up the metabolism, which then leads to faster fat burning with calories burned far more efficiently.
  • Better Energy. Leading from that newly boosted metabolism, you’re going to feel your energy levels increase. Fatty acids are converted to energy that you can use, which gives your body the chance to feel more invigorated.
  • Improved Immune System. Two acids in MCT oil include lauric acid and caprylic acid, and both of these ensure that MCT oil supports your immune system exceptionally well. There are antioxidant effects that lead to reducing your stress levels, too.
  • Better Digestion. MCT oil has laxative qualities, but more than that, it has antibacterial and antiviral qualities that improve the environment of your gut. You’ll feel relief with symptoms of cramps and constipation.

Hemp Oil

The better-known hemp seed oil is derived directly from the seeds of the hemp plant. It comes with a nutty taste that appeals to most, and the flavor is a strong one! Packed with Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, the hemp seed oil is known to be loaded with proteins and antioxidants that promote better health all round. The list of health benefits is endless when it comes to hemp seed oil, and they’re included in all the benefits that you see below.

What Are The Benefits?

As with MCT oils, there are tons of benefits to hemp seed oil. Let’s take a look:

  • Improved Heart Health. Given the level of fatty acids, the natural physical response is a healthier heart. Your cardiovascular function will improve with hemp seed oil, and it’s noticeable in how much your heart is supported.
  • Better Hair/Skin/Nails. Often used in creams and moisturizers for skin, the hemp seed oil is proven to improve the moisture of your skin. This helps those with dehydrated and irritated skin and can dramatically decrease the speed of the aging process.
  • Good For The Brain. The 85% essential fatty acids that are within hemp seed oil are such that you can improve brain health. Your brain requires the right nutrients, and you can get that from hemp seed oil.
  • Mercury-Free. Fish oil supplements are an excellent way to improve brain development, but fish often contain a lot of mercury, which isn’t good for the brain at all. With hemp seed oil, you get the alternative you need with just as many Omega-3 qualities but without the mercury.
  • Immune System Support. There is plenty of essential fatty acids in hemp seed oil that are good for the gut. This is an excellent reason to choose hemp seed oil – as well as the fact that it’s excellent for cold and flu season. When you want to stave off the harmful bacteria in the winter season, you’re going to want to choose hemp seed oil.


When it comes down to it, there is no wrong choice between MCT oil and Hemp Seed oil. They have a lot of fantastic benefits between them, and none of the ingredients work to take away from the effectiveness of the CBD in general. The real difference between the two is taste.  Hemp Oil has a mild woody flavor.  While MCT Oil really has no flavor at all.  This is a natural choice now that you know the differences. What will you choose?